If you are at all interested in growing forward, there are hundreds of teachers, speakers and experts to draw from. One thing Zig Ziglar used to say (I still have a hard time believing he’s gone) is,
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily!
Below are “7 Apples” to help with not only your personal growth but to help keep your mind focused on the good stuff.
1. How I Beat Procrastionation ~ Robin Sharma
2. First Thing Every Morning ~ Simple Truths
3. Don’t beat yourself up, BUILD yourself up! (complements of my son)
4. Dream It Alive ~ Create a picture story of how you see your life. If you’ve heard of vision boards and are put off by the materialism some of them focus on, don’t write this off. It’s all about creating a vision of YOUR best life, the way you want to see it play out.
5. Grow Yourself – Links to great life-builder resources (books galore too):
6. Listen to music that moves you. Try my “Build Yourself UP” playlist from YouTube.
7. Treat yourself as you treat others – Be kind, forgiving, encouraging and helpful – to you. If you are not ‘full’, you have nothing to give to others. When you fly on a plane one of the safety tips they tell you is to put your oxygen mask on first, so you can breathe to help those you love. If you don’t put on your mask first, you’ll collapse and be ineffective in helping anyone else.
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