Sometimes I think our focus needs to be shifted a little bit to encompass the ‘other side’ of the coin. Our hearts are in the right place to want our world to do and be better, but often we go at it from the realm of don’ts rather than do’s. Please read this in the spirit […]
7 Apples on a Saturday Night – Happy Quotes
The Proverbial Bridge – Work It!
Bridges carry significant symbolism. They fill a gap, get you across an otherwise insurmountable body of water or mountain valley, get you from Point A to Point B, help you access remote locations that may not otherwise be available. Usually the daunting task of building a bridge – from conception to completion – spans several […]
“Everybody Hates Me” – Monday
I get such a kick out of people on Mondays. We’ve created a pitiful culture that hates this particular day and we’re quite happy to vocalize it. We even write songs about how horrible Mondays are. I was listening to the radio this morning and the typical, “Manic Monday” came on. Others that come to […]
The Grateful Grail
We live in a paradoxical (I looked it up and it’s a word!) culture, us North Americans. Our quest for instant gratification seems to be ever increasing, never satiated. The flip side is our yearning for personal growth and lifelong learning. Instant. Lifelong. The two seem contradictory, and it creates an inner battle that needs to be […]